Repetition Proves Efficient

After analysing L’Oreal's Infalliable Le Rouge campaign for a week, my curiosity compelled me to dig down and really understand how much effort and money actually went into making this campaign such a success. As stated previously, the importance of strong differentiation proved to be a vital driving force of the shift in preference from consumers towards the L’Oreal Paris brand. I began to notice that each time I saw the TV commercial/print ads, It promoted better awareness, knowledge and comprehension of the brand and encouraged a state of liking, and preference to L’Oreal over other cosmetic brands. This technique of repetition clearly corresponds to  a communication effects pyramid, whereby the stages of brand/product recognition are developed through various stages as the individual is exposed to these messages more and more.
Fig 1.1 - An example of the Communication Effects Pyramid

Belch, G.E. and Belch, M.A. (2009) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (7th Ed) McGraw-Hill

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